Storage Compound Available
Open storage compound available for rent
We have small units 9′ long x 4′ wide x 8′ high.
£65/month including VAT.
Andrew from APC Removals. All removals from a courier delivery to wrapping and packing service for that big one.
It’s not everyday you get the moon and a rainbow in one shot. I’ll call my myself lucky for this, especially as I did not realise until I had downloaded …
Spotted the other night. This little snuffler working its way around the garden for autumnal treats. It’s that time of year to put on weight before hibernation.
The Holly Blue butterfly Celastrina argiolus has found a haven in Exeter gardens. Seeing a blue in nature always feels so uplifting.
The moth probably most commonly seen during daylight hours, the Cinnabar Moth Tyria jacobaeae. It’s delicate flight always captivates me.
Drive up, premium insulated self storage units. 50mm of vapor sealed insulation covered with moisture resistant board.